Unique Handmade Ceramics
I design and produce handmade ceramics using one of the most ancient techniques: the Coiling Technique. Each object is unique, shaped trough a gentle roll over of clay coils
Ceramic is an emotional material, it is good for making accessories for Her, furniture for the Table, lamps and Light cases, Pottery in general and much more. Visit the Gallery to discover more
I also make special lines of products for gift ideas and fancy sweet boxes and bombonnieres for events
Design is one of the most exciting phases of my work. I always have my sketchbook with me so that I can catch the inspiration whenever it comes! Do you want to join an enthusiastic creative process? Then, let’s design together your custom piece! I am open to every possibility, no limits to creativity! Visit the Custom Design page for more information
I am based in Rome, here is where my work takes place and my inspiration grows. If you are here, or you plan to visit The Eternal City, you can consider taking one of my ceramic courses where you can get the basics of the coiling technique and make your own handmade clay piece, all without any previous experience required
Stories From A Ceramist | Blog
The Grooves: some tips to perform them at their best
Grooves are a great way to give a ceramic object a texture, to give it personality and elegance. Here are 4 small tips to do them best. 1. CLAY HARDNESS The piece must be [...]
Teaching Ceramic
Teaching ceramic was another step in my growth as a ceramist. The evening course and workshops were two important professional experiences of 2019. Sooner or later, all in life we have been students, apprentices, [...]
Arts and Crafts Today
“Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful”. (William Morris, The Beauty of Life, 1880) “To give people pleasure in the things they must [...]